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999 is the number to call in an emergency in the UK. You can use this number to call the police, an ambulance, or if there is a fire.


The number 112 is a pan-European equivalent to 999 and can also be used in the UK. For less urgent situations, such as if someone damaged your property but you are not under immediate threat, you can call 101.

If you are injured or otherwise seriously concerned about your health, you should visit the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department at your nearest hospital. You can find one using the link below.

If you face the risk of homelessness, you should contact your local council or Citizens Advice branch for assistance as soon as possible. They may offer advice, emergency housing, or other help, such as hot food or shower. For more help, including emergency cash, toiletries, and food banks, contact Trussell Trust or Red Cross using the links below.

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